giovedì 18 agosto 2011

Eau de Can

Tobia: "Why did we have to take a bath again today?"

Peggy: "Perché dovevi rotolarti dov'era passato una mucca?"

Tobia: "What was the fuss about that? When I am hunting, I don't want the animals to get wind of me. So I add a little scent. Just like my master, when he goes away sometimes."

Peggy: "Ma hai capito che non va? Che ci fanno fare il bagno? Devo dire però che oggi, dopo il giro in montagna e con questo caldo un bagno ci voleva!"

Tobia: "You are right about the walk in the mountains - there was little to eat, I could not run as I wanted and there were so many beautiful people that they didn't want me to greet but it sure was a nice outing. We should really send our thanks to the bald one and the one with the long hair."

Peggy: "Sono d'accordo con te - sono veramente carini tutte e due!"

1 commento:

  1. grazie a tutti e due per la bellissima mappa e per la simpaticissima compagnia...

