lunedì 22 agosto 2011


The new home of this blog:


Tobia: "It was so nice yesterday. All those beautiful people to get to know - they all like me, you know."

Peggy: "Si, certo. E ovviamente gli saltavi adosso dopo 2 coccole e mezzo! Ma non si fa!"

Tobia: "I know but when I sense that there is a strong sentimental connection between us, I get carried away."

Peggy: "Devono portarti via loro! Va beh, dopo il primo mezzora mi sono divertito anch'io. Certo, c'era più lavoro con una gregge grande ma erano tranquilli."

Tobia: "And then all the little ones - they really like us. I must say that size-wise they are much more convenient - and so friendly. For the first time in a long time, I finally had something to eat at a gathering."

Peggy: "I piccoli, certo sono carini, ma sai - non si sa mai cosa può combinare un cucciolo, devo sempre stare attenta. E quindi, come diceva mia nonna: Ricevere ospiti è sempre bello: se non sei contenta quando arrivano, sei contenta quando vanno via!"

Tobia: "Really, Peggy. We had a very nice afternoon all of us."

Peggy: "Si, è vero, ma eravamo tutti contenti quando sono andati via!"

sabato 20 agosto 2011


Tobia: "It is really an awfully big responsibility. I overheard my master saying that if something were to happen to me, he would kill himself. Those were his very words!"

Peggy: "Eh? Non farti le idee strane, lui parla!. Alla fine prende un altro cane, la gente fa sempre così."

Tobia: "Do you really think that he was just telling a lie?"

Peggy: "No, non è una bugia... sono chiacchiere, storie. Per fare scena."

Tobia: "If it is so, I must say that I am quite relieved. It means that the tall one - and you for that matter - won't be left alone if something should happen to me."

Peggy: "Boh - non si sa mai cosa gira nella sua testa - però non preoccuparti per me. So fare!"

Tobia: "Well, I wouldn't say that I worry for you, I just want to know that you'll be all right. And believe me: it takes years of experience to find out what my master is thinking, sometimes it seems like he doesn't even know it himself."

Long evenings

Tobia: "Another lonesome night. Why can't they bring us along? When they come home, they have been with other dogs, I can smell that."

Peggy: "Qualcuno deve stare a casa, no?"

Tobia: "Well, one of us could stay and the other could come along, just as we did last year when we lived in the other house."

Peggy: "Non era un gran che come serata comunque. O stavo in macchina tutta la sera o andavo con loro in mezzo alla gente dove c'era troppo rumore, troppo casino, non si capiva più niente. Infatti ogni tanto c'era così tanto rumore che anche loro dovevano tapparsi le orecchie. Figurati com'era per me!"

Tobia: "Really? But did people really bring other dogs along? don't they know that our hearing is much finer than theirs? I mean, when there is too much noise here, I really don't know what to do but to go away."

Peggy: "No lo so, secondo me la gente ha paura di uscire senza compagnia, di sicuro non è per farci un piacere. I cani che ho visto io erano tutti tristi o annoiati."

Tobia: "Well, of course if my master wanted me to go along, I would come. And perhaps someone would give me dog treat..., but I guess that we - especially with this heat - were more comfortable here on our nice cool pavement."

giovedì 18 agosto 2011

Eau de Can

Tobia: "Why did we have to take a bath again today?"

Peggy: "Perché dovevi rotolarti dov'era passato una mucca?"

Tobia: "What was the fuss about that? When I am hunting, I don't want the animals to get wind of me. So I add a little scent. Just like my master, when he goes away sometimes."

Peggy: "Ma hai capito che non va? Che ci fanno fare il bagno? Devo dire però che oggi, dopo il giro in montagna e con questo caldo un bagno ci voleva!"

Tobia: "You are right about the walk in the mountains - there was little to eat, I could not run as I wanted and there were so many beautiful people that they didn't want me to greet but it sure was a nice outing. We should really send our thanks to the bald one and the one with the long hair."

Peggy: "Sono d'accordo con te - sono veramente carini tutte e due!"

mercoledì 17 agosto 2011


Tobia: "I am really not sure that I can agree to having that pay-thing next to our chats here. It seems impolite and rather ... un-classy."

Peggy: "Cosa? ma cosa stai dicendo? Se non ho capito male - e di solito capisco molto bene anche se non ho mai messo zampe su un PC - il coso li da la gente la possibilità di fare un'offerta libera. Non è mica una tassa in più!"

Tobia: "Are you sure? but if our readers are well-bred, they might feel obliged to donate something. And that would change the relationship we have with our readers."

Peggy: "Cambiare come? quando vengono amici o altri cani qui, mangiano il nostro cibo una nostra offerta libera a loro, ai nostri ospiti e amici."

Tobia: "Well, food is one thing, but money - just talking about it is disagreeable."

Peggy: "Si vede che non sei veneto.... Sto scherzando, non voglio mica fare tutto in centesimi e euri ma le crocchette si pagano!"

martedì 16 agosto 2011


Tobia: "I heard the neighbor earlier."

Peggy: "E allora?"

Tobia: "Talking about nice dogs...."

Peggy: "E allora? so che non piaccio al vicino, mi ha già dato 'tremenda' tanto tempo fa. Ma non possiamo piacere a tutti: non siamo i lingotti d'oro."

Tobia: "Well, you are certainly right about that, we can't all please everybody. But I never had a harsh word from that man."

Peggy: "Stai dicendo che tu sei un bel cane e io no? Ma sei scemo... aveva le p.... girate e quindi trattava male tutti.  E poi la bellezza non ti porta da nessun parte - non sei una ragazza! Svegliati, lascia il vicino dire quel che vuole, finche non ci tira sassi dietro."

Tobia: "Do you really think he would be able to throw stones at us? I better stay on his good side."

Peggy: "Coniglio!"

lunedì 15 agosto 2011


Tobia: "Why didn't you want to stay with the rest of us yesterday when we were napping on the bed? It was almost like the good old days, in fact - it was almost better."

Peggy: "Avevo le cose da controllare giù, non si sente bene da sopra sai. E poi... non si sa mai quando cambia il tempo! Oggi si può andare sul divano, domani no. Mi viene il nervoso...."

Tobia: "You are right about not hearing the same things upstairs as downstairs - but that is the beauty of it. If gives you the possibility to relax, get away from it all. And about the changing climates in the house: It is usually you that reproach me for being a slow mover mentally, that I don't like change but here you are complaining."

Peggy: "Non mi sto lamentando, sto solo dicendo che ora ho un altro impegno: devo sempre capire da che parte soffia il vento."

domenica 14 agosto 2011


Tobia: "Did you see that Peggy? Today somebody from Pakistan has been reading our blog! I wonder why. I really wouldn't think that it was a dog country. Mind you, I am not saying that Italy is gone to the dogs, at least not in the negative sense."

Peggy: "Molto spiritoso! Temo che Italia non sta molto meglio della Pakistan a dire la verità quando si parla di tante cose, per esempio dei diritti delle donne! Per i cani siamo meglio protetti qui - per legge. Ma la gente fa quel che vuol, legge o no. E sono anche abbastanza sicuro che il presidente pakistano non fa parte della bungacrazia."

Tobia: "It is not like you at all to be so critical. What is wrong today."

Peggy: "Non preoccuparti, ho solo le p.... piene oggi, non c'entri."

Tobia: "Please, your language!"

Peggy: "Basta, se no c'entri anche ti!"

sabato 13 agosto 2011


Tobia: "You don't even have to comment on this: Yes, I am going to whine, as you will probably put it. But when I hear about all the great spaces they talked about after the trip to the mountains, I cannot help feeling sorry for myself. So much space for running and at a nice cool temperature to boot! Life really isn't fair."

Peggy: "Per una volta ti permetto lamentarti - anche perché hanno parlato di gregge di pecore che molto probabilmente avevano bisogno di qualcuno per essere gestiti bene. Quindi quasi quasi sono d'accordo con te."

Tobia: "Now it is going to be even more difficult for me to go on our daily walk, having the view of that same mountain before my very eyes and not being able to go there."

Peggy: "Basta adesso: non sei in grado di arrivarci, la tua vita è qui e poi: una volta li cosa faresti? la vita non è solo correre per i campi! Non stai mica scappando da qualcosa? a parte della canna d'acqua, tutti i cani che incontri per strada, qualsiasi atto di violenza...."

Tobia: "Peggy, you are being very impolite today."

Peggy: "Sto solo dicendo la verità!"

Tobia: "Some people are tactful, others speak the truth."

venerdì 12 agosto 2011


Peggy: "Stavo pensando. Ieri era via l'alto e così - un giorno senza/un giorno con - è molto più chiaro!"

Tobia: "What are you hinting at? Yes, the tall one was not here and we didn't go for a walk yesterday?"

Peggy: "Perché ti ricordi sempre le cose brutte? Abbiamo fatto siesta con tuo padrone, eravamo molto più liberi per fare i c....i nostri. Niente "NO, FUORI, DENTRO, CUCCIA."

Tobia: "All right, so the tall one wants to command but really: we do get a lot in exchange. And to speak the truth - every so often one must do so - to me it has little meaning to let one sergent go, I still have you."

Peggy: "Molto divertente, io lo faccio per te sai! No, come lo vedo io sarà una persona meno da dare da mangiare, più libertà per noi. L'unico inconveniente sarà che tu non esci così tanto. Io le passeggiate posso anche fare da sola."

Tobia: "We have to think about the consequences. And what will the tall one do it he doesn't work for us?"

Peggy: "Non è problema nostro! Sti stranieri che vengono qui per lavorare, se non c'è lavoro possono anche tornare a casa!"

Tobia: "Do you really think that he should go home? I don't think we all agree with you!"

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011


Tobia: "Why is it that life treats us so differently? Some are always happy, it seems like they always get want they want."

Peggy: "Spero che non ti stai lamentando! Hai la vita tranquilla, non devi mai lavorare, ti danno da mangiare ogni giorno, non ti picchiano mai....
Però hai ragione: c'è gente che non è mai contenta anche se ha tutto, che gente che ha niente ma vive bene lo stesso e poi c'è gente come me che sa rangiarsi."

Tobia: "But I was not complaining. I was just wondering why life treats people so differently."

Peggy: "E mentre stai li a meditare il senso della vita io lavoro. Alla fine tu sei sempre confuso e io vivo discretamente."

Tobia: "I am wondering about the 'why' not the 'how', you really don't want to understand me today, do you? I know you have a great talent of getting the most out of a situation. I wouldn't be able to say if the comes from the chromosome X or from being Veneta."

martedì 9 agosto 2011


Tobia: "How do you like the new color of the garden shed?"

Peggy: "Perché?"

Tobia: "Why? because it is green...."

Peggy: "Molto divertente! Si mi piace, non perché è verde ma perché si vede meno. Comunque, non voto Lega Nord e non è neanche il colore della Lega."

Tobia: "Well, I was beginning to think that you were turning Lega Nord-ish with all that insisting on talking your own 'language'."

Peggy: "Non parlo mica in dialetto se quello che intendi! Però dimmi ti: cosa si vota se sei di destra, donna e pro-Italia?"

Tobia: "Really, you make the strangest questions: First: I don't vote, I am leftish and I am male."

Peggy: "Maschio.... ogni tanto ho i miei dubbi! Di sinistra, si lo so, e non è il tuo unico difetto. E meno male per Bungosconi che non possiamo votare."

domenica 7 agosto 2011


Tobia: "I don't really understand it anymore.... Too many variations. One day we may go on the couch, the next day we may not. One day we don't go for walks, the next day we do go and the day after we go twice. Some days there are just one person here, the next day three. Some days they stay upstairs all the time, the next day they are in the garden all day...."

Peggy: "Sei scemo ti! la vita è sempre così, si muove. Cosa vuoi? Non siamo mica i pelush, sempre fermi."

Tobia: "I am not stupid. I know life is about change but if I don't let my sorroundings know in a polite way that I really feel rather upset with all these changes, how are they supposed to modify their behaviour?"

Peggy: "Scordatelo! Non cambia mai, ma proprio mai. Prendi quello che puoi mentre c'è. Oggi abbiamo mangiato, domani non si sa! E' sempre stato così la vita."

Tobia: "Oh dear, don't you think we will have something to eat tomorrow?"

Peggy: "oh mamma mia adesso via in depression, ho detto 'NON SI SA!' " E' un modo per dire dio can!"


Tobia: "I really don't want to discuss this. From the beginning, we agreed that this blog was to be written down in English for obvious reasons: A larger audience, our secretary is not capable of writing in Italian and last but not least: after all, I am an English setter!"

Peggy: "L'alto posso mettersi a studiare! Forse sei un setter inglese, ma sei nato in Toscana. Io sono di Verona e mi pare giusto di fare questo blog nella nostra lingua comune - l'italiano! Non è che chiedo di essere trascritto in dialetto veneto, anche se questa lingua è l'unica che riesce trasmettere i miei pensieri al 100%."

Tobia: "Should he just begin studying? It's not that easy for an old dog to learn new tricks. But as I said, we've been over this already. I know why you bring it up. The bald one that was here last night complained and you are so in love with him that you can't refuse him anything. I am rather on the side of his girlfriend and not just because she is very cute."

Peggy: "I'm not soft on anybody. He is nice to me, I'm nice to him, but don't think that he earns other rights! And don't think that this discussion is over!"

sabato 6 agosto 2011


Tobia: "I cannot understand all this talk about money. Why is it so important, or rather why is it so important to some of you? It seems like you are always keeping everything for yourself, the tall one don't want to spend anything. And when they talk about other people, for example the bunga-bunga man, it seems that some don't worry about it at all."

Peggy: "It is not true that me and the tall one worry. We are just being careful! Of course you don't understand it, you never had to make do with what you had. You could always look sad and another dog treat would come your way. Exactly like that short man with the funny color. He seems like one of those persons that can have his cake and eat the one of his neighbor!"

Tobia: "Well, if the neighbor doesn't want his cake? It would not be sensible to let it go to waste."

Peggy: "I know you think like that, just like I know what happens every time I try to save a bone for a rainy day. Bunga-bunga or burgle-burgle. It is your good fortune that your master works his butt off! And that he is kind enough to share his earnings with us! The least we can do is to show him the respect not to waste anything."

Tobia: "But I am not wasting anything, I even eat the vegetables from the garden, you know!"

venerdì 5 agosto 2011


Peggy: "Why have they closed the door? There are someone outside and now I can't go check what he is doing."

Tobia: "Perhaps they don't want you to bark at him?"

Peggy: "You stay quiet, I just tell him that I'm watching him, that he'd better behave, I don't jump on him like someone else! And besides, perhaps he needs a hand, you never know. But they close the door and I can't really take responsability... if something happens, it's not my fault!"

Tobia: "Peggy, I know you are very clever and hardworking but you really shouldn't think the world doesn't turn without your help."

Peggy: "How do you know?"

mercoledì 3 agosto 2011


Tobia: "Have you seen that they have closed our account? That we can no longer earn money with this blog? I don't think it is fair. They could have given us a warning. Or at least give us the money, we had already earned."

Peggy: "Fair? Did you think that they know that word? They just know numbers, not words. Money, money, money. Can't blame them, really. It is a dog eats dog world."

Tobia: "But what do we do now?"

Peggy: "What do we do? Eh, we do what we've always been doing. That is: I make sure that nothing strange happens and you continue sleeping! This way our people can concentrate on working and make up for the earnings we've lost."

Tobia: "I think, I will be extra kind to my master and the tall one now. Also because I saw that he brought back something that looked like dog treats! Anyway, I suggest that we keep up this blog, I really have come to like it."

Peggy: "And you really should be more carefull about what you are saying."


Tobia: "He is back, I am really so very content! Only now I realized how much I have been missing him!"

Peggy: "Hm, well, let's see if he stays! How can you manage things in a place where people keep going away, coming back, bringing in guests... without telling me!"

Tobia: "But aren't you happy he is back?"

Peggy: "I guess so, but really: what is that other person doing here? how long is he going to stay? and what kind of oggly-goggly language are they talking to each other. Seems almost like they have a sore throat!"