domenica 3 luglio 2011


Tobia: "Peggy, I was the one to welcome these four women in a civilized manner while you were running around, barking insults at them. Then shortly afterwards you decide that they are alright and will not even let me near them. Every time I get the chance to meet new people, you manage to push me aside. I really must say this is frustrating and it also makes me feel rather sad."

Peggy: "What can I do about that? They were intruding and you never know what people are up to these days. Besides - they were foreigners and that doesn't make things any better. But then I looked them over, saw that they probably meant no harm and I also saw how you wanted to do what any male will do as soon as he sees a female and I decided that it was better to keep an eye on them up close while keeping you out of the way! If it makes you frustrated that you cannot jump on anything female that gets within reach - tough luck!"

Tobia: "But I was only trying to be nice..."

Peggy: "That just goes to show how much you know about females!"

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