Tobia: "It is really an awfully big responsibility. I overheard my master saying that if something were to happen to me, he would kill himself. Those were his very words!"
Peggy: "Eh? Non farti le idee strane, lui parla!. Alla fine prende un altro cane, la gente fa sempre così."
Tobia: "Do you really think that he was just telling a lie?"
Peggy: "No, non è una bugia... sono chiacchiere, storie. Per fare scena."
Tobia: "If it is so, I must say that I am quite relieved. It means that the tall one - and you for that matter - won't be left alone if something should happen to me."
Peggy: "Boh - non si sa mai cosa gira nella sua testa - però non preoccuparti per me. So fare!"
Tobia: "Well, I wouldn't say that I worry for you, I just want to know that you'll be all right. And believe me: it takes years of experience to find out what my master is thinking, sometimes it seems like he doesn't even know it himself."
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