Tobia: "I really don't want to discuss this. From the beginning, we agreed that this blog was to be written down in English for obvious reasons: A larger audience, our secretary is not capable of writing in Italian and last but not least: after all, I am an English setter!"
Peggy: "L'alto posso mettersi a studiare! Forse sei un setter inglese, ma sei nato in Toscana. Io sono di Verona e mi pare giusto di fare questo blog nella nostra lingua comune - l'italiano! Non è che chiedo di essere trascritto in dialetto veneto, anche se questa lingua è l'unica che riesce trasmettere i miei pensieri al 100%."
Tobia: "Should he just begin studying? It's not that easy for an old dog to learn new tricks. But as I said, we've been over this already. I know why you bring it up. The bald one that was here last night complained and you are so in love with him that you can't refuse him anything. I am rather on the side of his girlfriend and not just because she is very cute."
Peggy: "I'm not soft on anybody. He is nice to me, I'm nice to him, but don't think that he earns other rights! And don't think that this discussion is over!"
Peggy, te voi ben...
RispondiEliminaPeggy, I love you...
Studierò l'inglese...
I'll study English...
Il pelato - The bald one