Tobia: "I am so very pleased that the tall one is back! Of course it's nice to live with my master, almost like in the good old days when it was only the two of us... <sigh> Here I could tell you a long story about the days before you came along..."
Peggy: "Oh, stop it, you were bored out of your skull! Left to your self for hours and hours. Why do people get dogs and then leave them alone or tie them up in the garden and beat them up? I just don't get it! Besides, the rules of the house are much more flexible when the tall one is away."
Tobia: "Peggy, I know that I am going to pay for this later but I have to say that in your case I really understand why your owner sometimes had difficulties restraining from physical violence. Take for example last night when the chocolate disappeared from my masters bag left open in the hall. A good thing that he (like me) believes in non violence."
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